Today, I was fiddling with my Moleskine journal/calendar during a meeting, and out of the very back pocket fell a folded-up sheet of paper with this typed on it:
"I hope you come to find that which gives life a deep meaning for you. Something worth living for—maybe even worth dying for—something that energizes you, enthuses you, enables you to keep moving ahead. I can't tell you what it might be—that's for you to find, to choose, to love." -Maryknoll Sister Ita FordI have NO idea where that piece of paper came from. But it arrived at a rather serendipitous moment in my life, that's all I know.
Quite a beautiful touch to my day :)
i love my Moleskines and always keeps little pieces of paper with quotes in them...but nothing quite like this ever happened...very cool.
ps. hope the couches work out okay for you and Lana