So my car got towed and I had to pay $300 to get it back. BUT on my walk to the towing company, I saw this lovely sign.
Father's Office: Lucky #100. Best Burgers in town, y'all.
PEACE JAM!! Amazing, amazing event at LMU a couple weekends back. I got to help out for one of the days of the conference, and was completely in awe of the amazing high school students, and of course, the amazing Nobel Laureates.
Peace Jam after-party with the Center for Service and Action Staff at Pam's house. Everyone needed to wind down after the months and months of planning that went into that weekend.
And...Tiki Ti. An awesome little bar in Silver Lake that ONLY serves tropical drinks...not a beer to be found here, ladies and gentlemen.
kewl pix. what does the sign in the first picture say? i can't see the first word....